
From To Talk
8:30 9:00 Registration
9:00 9:15 Marino Miculan: Opening
9:15 10:00 Arnon Avron: A logical framework for predicative and impredicative set theories
10:00 10:30 Ian Mason: Reasoning about effects: from lists to cyber-physical agents
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 11:30 Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini: Java & Lambda: a featherweight story
11:30 12:00 Simona Ronchi Della Rocca: Inhabitation for non-idempotent intersection types
12:00 12:30 Luigi Liquori: The Δ-calculus: syntax and types
12:30 12:45 Pietro Di Gianantonio: Intersection Types and Game Semantics for the Lambda Calculus
12:45 14:15 Lunch
14:15 14:30 Ugo Montanari: Confusionless persistent Petri nets
14:30 15:00 Paolo Baldan: Event structures for Petri nets with persistence
15:00 15:30 Marco Forti: A topological interpretation of three Leibnizian Principles within the Functional Extensions
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 16:15 Gabriele Giacomini: How to restrict the “paradox of pluralism”: the example of ePart and OpenMunicipio
16:15 16:45 Marisa Michelini: Modern Physics in the School
16:45 17:00 Rob Procter: Furio’s adventures in Edinburgh
17:00 17:30 Umberto Zannier: Effectivity in Mathematics
17:30 18:00 Furio Honsell: Closing
20:00 Social Dinner at “Casa della Contadinanza”
(on the Udine castle hill)